Reasons To Buy An Automatic Fly Ash Block Machine

In the world of brick manufacturing, the benefits of investing in a fully automatic fly ash block machine as opposed to a manual or semi-automatic machine are numerous. Featured below are some of the key advantages:

1. High Degree of Automation

A fully automatic brick machine is equipped with programmable digital controls, multiple sensors, and a centralized control unit. As a result, such machines enable almost every part of the brick production process to be automated, decreasing the requirement for a large human workforce. Once installed and set-up, such machines can operate 24/7. What’s more, advanced fault diagnosis systems mean any errors or malfunctions are rapidly identified and automatically corrected. Of course, businesses can also use fully-automatic block making machine in manual mode if required.

2. Energy Savings

Since automatic brick machines run continuously, the motor is not constantly between stopped and started. And, running any type of machine continuously as opposed to intermittently will always make it more energy-efficient. Consequently, the energy needed to manufacture each individual fly ash block with an automatic brick making machines is much lower, which results in bigger profit margins.

3. Multiple Functions

It’s possible to produce lots of different types of blocks with a top-end auto bricks machine. You can change the shape, size, and design of blocks be using different molds. Meanwhile, you can alter the characteristics of bricks by altering the type and/or ratios of raw materials used for production. Examples of some of the blocks you can manufacturer include H-pavers, interlocking bricks, concrete hollow blocks, solid cement bricks, curbstone bricks, and more.

fly ash brick machine
fly ash brick machine

4. Convert Waste To Cash

A brick-making machine allows you to manufacturing bricks from a wide range of different materials, including construction waste, slag, river sand, fly ash, etc. Transforming construction waste into high-quality building bricks is an excellent way to convert waste to cash. Furthermore, repurposing waste materials reduces the growing amount of trash sent to overflowing landfill sites each year.

5. Enhanced Hourly Output

Perhaps one of the features that make fully automatic brick making machines such hot sellers is their high hourly output rates. Depending on the machine model, it’s possible to manufacture over 6500 pcs per hour. Such hourly output rates are simply not possible with manual brick makers.

6. High-Grade Blocks

One feature that many people love about automatic fly ash block making machines is that they produce bricks that are consistently high-quality. They can achieve great brick uniformity output due to the limited human input required for operation. Meanwhile, with manual brick making machines, human errors can result in bricks with inconsistencies.

7. Reduced Labour Costs

As mentioned in point one, thanks to the high levels of automation, automatic fly ash brick machines don’t require a big manual workforce. In turn, a brick manufacturing business’s labor costs are significantly reduced. Check more details about brick machine here:

Briefly outlined above are 7 core benefits of automatic fly ash block making machines. On a final note, make sure you understand the importance of sourcing any machinery from a reputable vendor.